How to Choose the Right Coffee Machine

The variety of coffee equipment is vast, from traditional espresso machines to filter coffee makers. If you are familiar with the basics of coffee machines, you will be able to navigate the maze and find the perfect machine for you – important link.

Making a cup of coffee wasn’t that difficult a few decades ago. All you had to do was choose your favorite instant coffee brand and boil a kettle. It’s amazing how things have changed. We are more selective about what we drink because of the proliferation of coffee shops around the globe. A staggering 20% of UK households have a coffee machine, so they can make their favourite coffee at home.

Here’s our guide to help you choose the best coffee machine for your needs.

There are many ways to make coffee. Each person will have their own preferences. Let’s look at the most popular coffee machines on the market.


A cafetiere, which is a plastic or glass jug with a plunger mechanism inside, is undoubtedly the most cost-effective way to make “proper” coffee. Simply add the coffee to the cafetiere and allow it to steep for a few minutes. Then, press the plunger to push the coffee grounds down to the bottom. Easy!

You can make decent coffee starting at about PS10, and it is portable.

For: Espresso, latte, or cappuccinos are not possible with a coffee maker that uses the same filter coffee method as espresso.

Filter Coffee Machines

All filter coffee machines are available for home and business use. The filter coffee machine works by heating the water in the top and then dripping through the filter paper that contains your ground coffee. The coffee jug is placed on a hotplate to keep it warm, so that you can continue coming back for more.

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