The people who have predicted that email is going to die have been proved wrong repeatedly in the past. Do you doubt my assertions, read this? Check out any search engine and search with “email is dead,” and search. You’ll find many articles that predict that email marketing will go out of business in the year.
But, there is still a need for email. On their websites, people still can sign up using the form “Sign up for my newsletter”. It’s still used to market their products and services, and it’s not been less effective.
The people who say “email marketing is dead” are those who rely solely on social media and other platforms to build their business. It’s not the best option. But that’s not what this article is about.
This article will assist you understand the concept behind email marketing.
If you’re a member of an email marketing groups via social media or email marketing forums, you’ll find plenty of information you can get about email marketing. However, it’s reached the point that there’s just too numerous details, making the idea of marketing via email extremely complicated.
You’ll notice that there are those who worry about the smallest things like:
How do you come up with the most compelling subject lines.
How can I increase the open rate.
How to improve the efficiency of email delivery.
How often should you check your email?
How long should you spread each email out in your autoresponder?
This article will dispel all the complications and teach you what email marketing actually is in its simplest form.
In simple terms, email marketing is an opportunity to establish relationships with your subscribers, and to sell your products and services. When you send emails to your customers make sure to focus on two areas.
So how do you create relationships and sell?
For that To answer that question, you first need to understand the purpose of emails. Emails are used for one-on-one personal conversations. Emails aren’t used to send out overtly commercial emails like big companies use to do.
You’d like to accomplish the following:
Make your emails appear as if you’re writing to only one friend. Your readers won’t be aware that they’re looking through an email you’ve sent to thousands of people you have on your list. They’ll feel connected and intimate.
Write emails that’ll add the value of their lives. I’m not just talking about teaching them however, write them in a way that’s entertaining to read. Engage them too. People value entertainment.
Every email you send should include a sales pitch. You could offer a service, a video, an audio, a free product or simply an opinion. It could seem unnatural to try and sell things every time. But it’s not pushy if you are using the sales pitch within your emails. This isn’t the way you want to go. Your readers are also being trained to get them used to your sales. It’s possible that they’ll start anticipating the message.
Finally, you should keep in touch with your readers regularly. Firms that only email their customers only once or twice per month will be doing their customers a huge disservice. Your chances of being neglected if your don’t communicate with your readers. The readers you send emails to could forget about you quickly, especially if they receive hundreds of emails every day. They should be notified at least once a week. You can even email them daily. You’ll always be at top of their list whenever they check your email every day. If the time comes that they’ll need to purchase something or a service you offer it will be to you.